Gino Sfarra.
Italian master luthier.
I specialize in crafting handmade violins, violas, and cellos in the traditional Milanese style, using my own designs and classic Italian oil-based varnish. I can also recreate antique and Baroque instruments upon request.
My workshop offers a range of services, including restoration work, repairs, and comprehensive maintenance and setup assistance tailored to the needs of musicians.

About Me
Master Violin Maker and Restorer: Crafting Musical Excellence While Preserving The Italian Tradition
I completed my training at the Civic School of Violin Making in Milan with distinction. During my studies, I worked with Masters Lorenzo Rossi and Stefano Gibertoni, under whose tutelage I perfected my skills and developed my own style.
Since 2014, I work in L’Aquila, the capital of the Abruzzo region, located about 100 kilometers from Rome and surrounded by the “Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga” National Park. My workshop is housed in a 15th-century building of historical and artistic interest, Palazzo Lucentini Bonanni, in the heart of the historic city center.
I have been awarded prizes in both national and international competitions, and my instruments have been exhibited at major international trade shows. I am a member of the Violin Society of America and the Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop.

2015 – Degree with distinction at Civic School of Violin Making, Milan;
2016 – Two medals, Viola and Cello, ANLAI Competition;
2017 – One medal, Violin, Central Accademy of Arts, Malta International Competition;
2021 – One medal, Violin, Spazio Liuteria Gubbio.
New or Old?
In addition to crafting my own handmade bowed instruments, my atelier proudly presents a diverse range of instruments from various violin makers, spanning different periods and styles.
Additionally, I provide a comprehensive appraisal service, offering my expert assessment of instrument values.
Attention to detail
Meticulous attention to detail is a hallmark of a genuine craftsman. I painstakingly create each instrument, meticulously executing every minute aspect, yielding instruments that not only produce exceptional sound but also showcase the exquisite craftsmanship rooted in the traditional Italian school of violin making.